Refund, Return and Exchange Policy

Refund Policy:

Before shipping the product, customers who cancel orders will receive a full refund. We will refund customers in 3 business days.

After the product is sent, customers who cancel orders must return the product. After receiving the product, we will refund customers in 3 working days. Please note that if the product does not have quality problems, customers must bear the return freight. We will bear the freight for return or exchange due to quality problems.


Your satisfaction is our long-term pursuit. Once the package arrives, we strongly recommend you to open it and check if the items meet your needs. Before return, please do not remove the tag and keep it in new or unused condition as the original.

If you are not 100% satisfied with the items you received, we can easily arrange an exchange or refund within 30 calendar days of receipt. Please keep the items you wish to return or exchange in their new condition. Most returns can be processed within 2-7 business days of receiving your package.

Products can be returned or exchanged within 7 days of receipt. A new product can be exchanged for another product or returned for a refund.

To be eligible for a return, please ensure that:

  • The product is in its original packaging
    The product is not used or damaged
    Products that do not meet these criteria will not be considered for return.

Please email before return, we will provide you our return address. We do not accept return package without informing.

Please send the product along with the product list which includes the order number, product SKU. The return tracking number is required; we will handle the exchange or refund of the product after receiving the return package.

If the return is applied, we will respond to you within 1-2 business days.

We will refund your money to your original payment account within 7-10 business days after we receive and confirm your return package. We are not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen packages.